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What are Vanderbilt's application requirements?

I'm applying to Vanderbilt University next fall and I'm a little bit overwhelmed. Can anyone give me a rundown of their application requirements, like number of letters of recommendation, essays, and anything else unique to Vanderbilt's admissions process? Thanks!

21 days ago

Certainly! Here's a breakdown of Vanderbilt University's application requirements for the Fall 2025 application cycle:

1. Application: You can submit your application via the Common Application, the Coalition Application, or QuestBridge. Fill out the required sections, and don't forget to specify your major(s) in the application.

2. Essays: You'll need to submit your personal essay, which will be part of the Common App or Coalition App. In addition to the main essay, Vanderbilt requires one supplemental essay specific to the university, which prompts you to discuss one of the four virtues mentioned on their website (talent, work ethic, character, or life story) in 400 words or fewer.

3. Letters of recommendation: Vanderbilt requires two teacher recommendations. It is recommended that you choose teachers from core subject areas who have taught you in your junior or senior year and can speak to your academic abilities and personal qualities.

4. Counselor recommendation: You will also need a recommendation from your high school counselor, which usually includes your school profile and transcript.

5. High School Transcript: Your high school transcript should show your course rigor, grades, and any applicable class ranks.

6. Standardized Tests: For the 2025-2026 application cycle, Vanderbilt University is test-optional, meaning you don't have to submit SAT or ACT scores if you don't want to. However, if you believe your scores accurately convey your academic abilities and will strengthen your application, you may submit them.

7. Extracurricular activities and honors: Be sure to list your extracurricular activities, leadership roles, awards, and honors to showcase your involvement outside the classroom.

8. Application fee: There is an $85 application fee, but fee waivers are available if needed.

9. Financial aid: If you're applying for financial aid, make sure to submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the College Scholarship Service (CSS) Profile by the deadlines.

Also, please note that Vanderbilt is a need-blind institution, which means your financial circumstances will not be considered during the admissions process. Don't forget to stay on top of deadlines for Early Decision I, Early Decision II, and Regular Decision. Good luck with your application to Vanderbilt University!

21 days ago

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