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Demographics for University of Oregon?

Hey everyone, I'm seriously considering applying to the University of Oregon. Anyone know what the student demographics are like there? I'm really interested in finding a diverse and inclusive environment. Thanks in advance!

22 days ago

The University of Oregon (UO) takes pride in the diversity among its student body, and the university continues to work on improving inclusivity on campus. According to recent data, the demographics at UO are as follows:

- White: 59%

- Hispanic/Latino: 16%

- Asian: 14%

- Black or African American: 6%

- American Indian or Alaska Native: 3%

- Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander: 2%

These percentages may fluctuate a bit as enrollment numbers change each year. It's important to explore the various on-campus resources and initiatives promoting diversity and inclusion. The University of Oregon has several cultural and resource centers, such as the Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence (CMAE), the Many Nations Longhouse, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Education and Support Services, and various other affinity groups.

Additionally, the UO has a Division of Equity and Inclusion, which aims to foster a welcoming, respectful, and inclusive campus environment. They work on promoting equity, offering support to various student communities, and creating affinity spaces to help students feel connected.

While looking at the demographics is helpful in assessing the diversity at the University of Oregon, it's crucial to visit the campus, connect with current students, and attend diversity-related programs and events to get a better sense of the overall campus atmosphere and culture.

22 days ago

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