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Columbia University: Full list of majors?

Hey guys, does anyone have a comprehensive list of undergraduate majors offered at Columbia University? I've tried looking online, but I'm not sure if I found everything there is to offer. It would be great if someone could help me out with this. Thanks!

22 days ago

Hello! Columbia University offers a wide range of undergraduate majors and concentrations through Columbia College and the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science. Here is a list of undergraduate majors at Columbia University:

Columbia College:

1. African American and African Diaspora Studies

2. American Studies

3. Ancient Studies

4. Anthropology

5. Art History

6. Astronomy

7. Astrophysics

8. Biochemistry

9. Biological Sciences

10. Biophysics

11. Chemistry

12. Classics

13. Comparative Literature and Society

14. Computer Science

15. Dance

16. Data Science

17. Earth and Environmental Sciences

18. East Asian Languages and Cultures

19. Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology

20. Economics

21. Economics and Mathematics

22. Education Studies (Concentration only)

23. English

24. Environmental Science

25. Environmental Biology

26. Ethnicity and Race Studies

27. Film and Media Studies

28. French

29. Germanic Languages

30. Hispanic Studies

31. History

32. Human Rights

33. Italian

34. Jewish Studies

35. Latin American and Caribbean Studies

36. Linguistics

37. Mathematics

38. Medieval and Renaissance Studies (Concentration only)

39. Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies

40. Music

41. Neuroscience and Behavior

42. Philosophy

43. Physics

44. Political Science

45. Psychology

46. Religion

47. Russian Language and Culture

48. Russia, Eurasia and Eastern Europe Studies

49. Slavic Studies

50. Sociology

51. Statistics

52. Theatre

53. Urban Studies

54. Women's and Gender Studies

Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science:

1. Applied Mathematics

2. Applied Physics

3. Biomedical Engineering

4. Chemical Engineering

5. Civil Engineering

6. Computer Engineering

7. Computer Science

8. Earth and Environmental Engineering

9. Electrical Engineering

10. Engineering Management Systems

11. Engineering Mechanics

12. Financial Engineering

13. Industrial Engineering and Operations Research

14. Materials Science and Engineering

15. Mechanical Engineering

16. Operations Research (Concentration only)

17. Sustainable Development (Concentration only)

These are the primary majors available at Columbia University for undergraduate students, but there's also the option to create interdisciplinary majors or pursue a special concentration. Be sure to visit the Columbia University website for a complete and up-to-date list of majors and concentrations: https://www.college.columbia.edu/academics/fieldsstudy

I hope this helps you get a better understanding of the undergraduate majors offered at Columbia University!

22 days ago

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