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What does ECU's in-state tuition look like?

I'm a high school junior from North Carolina, and I'm wondering what the cost of attending East Carolina University would be for a student like me with in-state tuition. Can anyone enlighten me on this? Appreciate your help!

20 days ago

East Carolina University (ECU) offers more affordable tuition rates for in-state students compared to those from out-of-state. As of the 2024-2025 academic year, the estimated in-state tuition and fees for ECU are around $8,000 per year. Keep in mind that this figure covers tuition and fees only and doesn't include room and board, books, or personal expenses.

In addition to tuition, you should also factor in other costs like housing and meals, which can vary based on your living arrangements and meal plan preferences. On-campus housing can cost approximately $6,500 - $8,500 per year, and meal plans may range from around $3,300 to $4,600 per year. These combined expenses can bring the total cost of attendance for an in-state student to around $16,738 to $20,338 per year.

Remember, these numbers are just estimates and can change from year to year. To know the actual cost for you personally, you can use ECU's online Net Price Calculator. This tool provides a personalized estimate of your expenses and financial aid at the university, considering your unique financial situation.

Also, don't forget to explore financial aid options such as scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study programs. Apply for financial aid by submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Many scholarships and grants are available to assist with education costs, which could substantially reduce your out-of-pocket expenses at ECU.

Good luck, and I hope you find this information helpful as you plan for your college journey!

20 days ago

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