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Colleges in Aurora, IL?

Hey guys, I'm looking for colleges in or near Aurora, Illinois. What are some reputable schools in the area, and what kind of programs or majors do they offer? Thanks!

20 days ago

Hello! Aurora, Illinois, is home to a few colleges and universities, as well as being within driving distance to many others in the Chicago area. Here are some reputable institutions in and around Aurora:

1. Aurora University (Aurora, IL): A private liberal arts university offering a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs. They have strong programs in business, education, nursing, and social work. Additionally, they offer programs in the arts and sciences, like biology, communication, and psychology.

2. Waubonsee Community College (Sugar Grove, IL): Located just a few miles west of Aurora, this community college offers associate degrees, as well as certificate programs in various fields. Popular majors include health professions, business, and liberal arts. After completing an associate degree here, students can transfer to a four-year university, if they wish.

3. North Central College (Naperville, IL): Situated around 10 miles from Aurora, North Central College is a private liberal arts college known for its programs in business, education, psychology, and the health sciences. They offer more than 55 undergraduate majors and several graduate programs.

4. College of DuPage (Glen Ellyn, IL): It's a community college located around 20 miles from Aurora, offering associate degrees and certificate programs. Programs at College of DuPage include business, health sciences, engineering, arts, and more.

5. Elmhurst University (Elmhurst, IL): Approximately 25 miles away from Aurora, this private liberal arts institution provides over 70 undergraduate majors and several graduate programs. Some notable programs include nursing, business administration, communication, computer science, and psychology.

Aside from these institutions, the Chicago area, which is around 40 miles to the northeast, hosts numerous reputable colleges and universities with diverse offerings. Examples include Loyola University Chicago, DePaul University, University of Illinois at Chicago, and Northwestern University. You'll have plenty of options to explore, and I'd recommend researching each school in-depth and visiting campuses to find the best fit for your individual interests and career goals. Good luck!

20 days ago

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