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Boston College racial demographics: How diverse is the campus?

Hey guys! I'm considering Boston College, but diversity is really important to me. Can someone share the racial demographics of the campus? I'd love to know more about the school's commitment to inclusivity and diversity!

5 months ago

According to recent data, the reported racial and ethnic breakdown of undergraduate students at Boston College is as about follows:

- White: 60.0%

- Hispanic/Latino: 14.0%

- Asian: 11.0%

- Black/African-American: 5.0%

- Two or more races: 5.0%

- International students: 10.0%

- Native American/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, or unknown: less than 1% each

It's worth noting that these percentages may change slightly in upcoming years, but this breakdown gives you a general idea of the diversity on BC's campus.

Additionally, the college has several initiatives and programs dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion within its community. The Office for Institutional Diversity (OID) at Boston College oversees many of these initiatives and collaborates with different campus offices and academic departments to provide support for underrepresented students.

Furthermore, the college has an extensive list of student organizations and cultural centers that promote diversity and inclusiveness, such as the Thea Bowman AHANA and Intercultural Center (BAIC), student cultural clubs, LGBTQ+ resources, and affinity groups. These resources come together to create a community focused on fostering a supportive and dynamic learning environment for students from various backgrounds.

Overall, Boston College is definitely committed to improving diversity and providing resources to create an inclusive campus environment. It can still be helpful to visit the campus and engage with current students to get a better understanding of the atmosphere and inclusivity efforts at Boston College, since ultimately perception of diversity can be subjective.

If you end up applying to BC and want tips on how to maximize your chances of acceptance, check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which breaks down how to tackle their school-specific supplemental essays: The essays are a great opportunity to showcase what you personally would add to BC's already-vibrant campus community.

Good luck with your college process!

5 months ago

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