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Junior colleges in Georgia?

Hey y'all, I'm currently a high school junior in Georgia, and I'm considering attending a junior college after graduation. Can anyone recommend good junior colleges in GA to look into? Thanks!

7 months ago

Hi there! Georgia has several reputable junior colleges that you can consider, each offering different programs and campus environments. Here are a few options to help you in your search:

1. Georgia Highlands College (GHC): With multiple campuses across Northwest Georgia, GHC offers associate degrees and transfer programs in areas such as arts, science, and applied science.

2. Perimeter College at Georgia State University: Located in the Atlanta metro area, Perimeter College is part of Georgia State University, and offers associate degrees and pathway programs that let you transition to Georgia State's main campus for a four-year degree.

3. South Georgia State College (SGSC): With campuses in Douglas and Waycross, SGSC offers associate degrees and bachelor's degrees in a few select areas such as nursing and business management.

4. East Georgia State College (EGSC): Located in Swainsboro, EGSC provides associate degrees and a Bachelor of Arts program. They also have a transfer program with Georgia Southern University for students who want to pursue a four-year degree.

5. Atlanta Metropolitan State College (AMSC): As a part of the University System of Georgia, AMSC offers associate degree programs as well as select bachelor's degree programs. They also have transfer programs to other four-year institutions.

When considering a junior college, research the programs offered, campus environment, locations, and transfer opportunities that align with your goals. If none of these options seems quite right to you, you might consider utilizing college search tools to expand your list. For example, CollegeVine's tool allows you to filter schools by a range of metrics, including location and community college status.

Don't hesitate to reach out to a particular school's admissions office for more information or to schedule a campus visit. Good luck with your college search!

7 months ago

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