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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Ole Miss demographics

Hey guys, I just got accepted to Ole Miss and I'm curious about the demographics of the student body. What's the racial/ethnic breakdown? Does anyone have any info on that?

6 months ago

Congratulations on your acceptance to Ole Miss! As for the demographics of the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss), here is a general breakdown for the Fall 2022-2023 first-year class:

- White: 76.3%

- African American: 11.4%

- Hispanic: 5.1%

- Asian: 4.1%

- More than two races: 2.5%

- Native American and other ethnicities: 0.5%

Keep in mind that these numbers are approximate and can vary slightly with each incoming class. Overall, Ole Miss is predominantly white, but the university is continuously striving to create a more diverse and inclusive environment.

In addition to racial and ethnic diversity, the student population at Ole Miss comprises various geographic backgrounds, with students coming from all 50 states and many international countries. Establishing connections with people from different cultural and social backgrounds enriches the college experience, providing an opportunity to learn about different perspectives and grow your own understanding of the world around you.

6 months ago

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