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Cost of attendance at Harvard?

Hi, I've been researching Harvard, and I'm curious about how much money it would cost to attend per semester or per year. Can anyone give me a breakdown of the expenses (tuition, room & board, books, etc.)? Thanks in advance!

7 months ago

Hello! The cost of attendance at Harvard can vary based on a number of factors, but I can provide you with a general breakdown of the expenses for the 2024-2025 academic year. Please note that these figures may change slightly from year to year due to inflation and other factors.

Tuition: $56,550

Room: $12,922

Board (Meal Plan): $8,268

Student Services Fee: $3,534

Health Services Fee: $1,592

Books and Supplies: $1,000 (estimate, may vary based on your study field and individual needs)

Personal Expenses (clothing, toiletries, etc.): $2,000 (estimate, may vary based on your lifestyle)

Travel Expenses: $2,000 (estimate, will vary depending on your location and transportation needs)

The total estimated cost of attendance for the 2024-2025 academic year is around $87,866.

Keep in mind that these figures are just estimates, and actual expenses may vary, especially in areas like books and supplies, personal expenses, and travel. Moreover, financial aid at Harvard can be quite generous, and for families with incomes below $65,000, the expected family contribution is generally zero. Financial aid packages will be determined based on your family's financial situation, and Harvard is committed to meeting 100% of demonstrated need for all students. You should definitely consider running Harvard's Net Price Calculator to get a better idea of what your specific financial aid package might look like.

7 months ago

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