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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Boston College tuition and fees: What's the cost?

Hi there! I'm really interested in Boston College, but I'm worried about the cost. Can anyone here share the current tuition and fees for attending Boston College, including room and board? Thanks a lot!

7 months ago

Hello! For the 2024-2025 academic year, Boston College's tuition and fees are as follows:

- Tuition: $65,000

- Fees: $2,500

- Room and board: $18,000

Adding these amounts together, the total cost of attendance for Boston College is approximately $85,500 for the academic year.

However, keep in mind that financial aid can significantly reduce this cost. To get an idea of how much financial aid you might receive at Boston College, you can use their Net Price Calculator available on their website. This will help you estimate the amount of aid you might be eligible for and get a better sense of the net cost of attendance for you personally. Remember to apply for need-based financial aid using the FAFSA and CSS Profile to maximize your chances of receiving aid.

Additionally, you could look into merit-based scholarships, both from Boston College and external sources, to further reduce your costs. Good luck!

7 months ago

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