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Price tag on attending UCLA?

Hey everyone! I'm doing some research on UCLA and I'm trying to figure out the costs of attendance (tuition, room and board, etc.). Could someone help me out with some up-to-date info? I'd really appreciate it!

20 days ago

Hello! UCLA's cost of attendance varies depending on your living situation, residency status, and other factors. Here's a breakdown for the 2024-2025 academic year:

For California residents:

- Tuition and fees: $15,154

- Room and board: $18,369 (on-campus housing)

- Books and supplies: $1,641

- Transportation: $778

- Personal expenses: $2,226

- Health insurance: $3,842 (can be waived with proof of comparable insurance)

For California residents, the total comes to around $40,000-$45,000 per year, depending on whether or not you have your own health insurance.

Out-of-state students, on the other hand, must pay a $34,200 Nonresident Supplemental Tuition fee, which brings the total cost of attendance to around $75,000 per year.

Please note that these estimates are for one year and will likely increase each year, due to inflation and other factors. On the bright side, though, keep in mind that financial aid can significantly reduce these costs, and UCLA is committed to making education affordable. Be sure to fill out the FAFSA and apply for scholarships to help cover expenses.

You can also use UCLA's Net Price Calculator to get a personalized estimate of your cost of attendance, factoring in financial aid. This tool can be found on their financial aid webpage, and you can also always contact their financial aid office directly with any questions you have about cost of attendance or your eligibility for aid.

Finally, on a separate note, if you end up applying to UCLA and want tips on how to maximize your chances of acceptance, check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which breaks down how to tackle their application essays: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-university-of-california-essays

Good luck with your research!

20 days ago

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