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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can study abroad experiences be considered extracurricular activities?

I participated in a summer study abroad program last year and it was an incredible experience. Can I list this as an extracurricular activity on my college applications, or should it be placed elsewhere?

a year ago

Absolutely! A study abroad experience can definitely be considered an extracurricular activity for your college applications. It can showcase your eagerness to explore other cultures, adapt to new environments, and handle challenging situations. Since it was a summer program, it shows that you are committed to learning even outside of the school year.

When listing it as an extracurricular activity, be sure to highlight the skills and experiences you gained, the languages you were exposed to, and any projects or community service you were involved in during your time abroad. This will help give admissions officers a better idea of what you got out of the experience and how it shaped you as a person. In addition, you might also consider mentioning it in your personal essay if the experience had a significant impact on your personal growth.

a year ago

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