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Out-of-state tuition for Morehouse College?

Hey guys! I was wondering, how much is the out-of-state tuition for Morehouse College? Any financial aid opportunities I should know about?

5 months ago

The tuition for Morehouse College is the same for both in-state and out-of-state students. For the 2024-2025 academic year, the tuition is approximately $29,100. Keep in mind that this figure is just for tuition and does not include other costs such as room and board, books, and personal expenses. The total cost of attendance, including these additional expenses, can be around $48,000 per year. However, these amounts may vary slightly from year to year, so it's best to check Morehouse College's website for the most up-to-date information.

As for financial aid opportunities, Morehouse College offers both need-based and merit-based aid to students. To be considered for need-based aid, make sure you complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible after it becomes available on October 1 each year.

In addition to need-based aid, Morehouse College offers various merit-based scholarships to qualified students. These scholarships are awarded based on a student's academic achievements, leadership abilities, and extracurricular involvement. Some of these scholarships include the Presidential Scholarship, the Dean's Scholarship, and the Founder's Scholarship. You can find more information about these scholarships and other opportunities on Morehouse College's financial aid website.

You might also want to look into external scholarships from private organizations, foundations, and community groups. These opportunities can be found through scholarship search engines or by talking with your high school guidance counselor for possible leads.

Finally, don't hesitate to contact Morehouse College's financial aid office if you have any questions or concerns about financing your education. They'll be happy to provide assistance and guidance throughout the process.

5 months ago

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