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Annual Tuition at Rice University

Hey y'all, I've been looking into Rice University because I heard it's a great school. I couldn't find a clear answer, though, how much is the annual tuition for Rice University? Are there any additional fees I should know about?

7 months ago

Hey there! Rice University is indeed a great school. As of the 2024-2025 academic year, the annual tuition for Rice University is $53,631. Keep in mind that tuition can vary slightly from year to year due to inflation and other factors.

There are some additional fees you should be aware of when planning your finances. Here is a breakdown of the major fees:

1. Room and board: $14,630 per year. This covers your housing and meal plan.

2. Student fees: $803 per year. These cover various student services, activities, and resources.

3. Health insurance: The cost varies depending on the plan you choose. Students are required to have health insurance, either through their own plan, a parent or guardian, or the Rice University Student Health Insurance Plan. The estimated annual cost for the Rice plan is around $2,270.

Keep in mind that these are direct costs, but there may be other miscellaneous expenses like books, supplies, and personal items. Financial aid and scholarships may help lower these costs. To get an estimate of your out-of-pocket cost, use Rice's Net Price Calculator on their website to get an idea of what you could be expected to pay based on your financial situation and eligibility for scholarships.

Hope this helps you in your college search!

7 months ago

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