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GPA calculator for OWU?

Hey y'all! I've been looking into Ohio Wesleyan University (OWU) for next year, and I was wondering if there's a specific GPA calculator I should use to find out my GPA according to OWU's standards. Thanks!

7 months ago

Hi there! While Ohio Wesleyan University (OWU) might not have a specific GPA calculator, you can use any standard GPA calculator to get a good estimate of your GPA that would be accepted by OWU. Most colleges use a 4.0 scale for calculating GPAs, but make sure to check if OWU weighs honors, AP, and IB classes differently for their GPA calculations.

To calculate your GPA, follow these steps:

1. Convert each of your course grades to its equivalent on the GPA scale. For instance, an A would be 4.0, a B would be 3.0, and so on.

2. Adjust the GPA scale, if needed, to include extra points for honors, AP, or IB classes. For example, some schools may assign a score of 5.0 for an A in an AP class.

3. Multiply the converted grade by the number of course credits for each class.

4. Add up the total credits for all your classes.

5. Divide the sum of the multiplied converted grades from step 3 by the sum of total credits from step 4.

Keep in mind that colleges will also look at the rigor of your coursework, so a higher GPA with less challenging coursework may not be as impressive as a slightly lower GPA with more challenging coursework. Nevertheless, knowing your GPA will help you gauge where you stand relative to the academic expectations of your prospective colleges. Good luck with your admissions process at Ohio Wesleyan University!

7 months ago

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