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Need help finding small public colleges in New York!

Hey there everyone, I'm currently in the process of looking for small public colleges in NY to apply to. Are there any that you would recommend? I want to make sure I'm considering all good options for my college search.

7 months ago

Hello! When looking for small public colleges in New York, you might want to consider the following options:

1. SUNY Geneseo: Located in Geneseo, SUNY Geneseo is known for its strong liberal arts curriculum and a tight-knit community. With an undergraduate enrollment of around 5,000 students, Geneseo has a picturesque campus with a lively, supportive atmosphere.

2. SUNY New Paltz: Situated in the scenic Hudson Valley, SUNY New Paltz offers a variety of majors while maintaining a relatively small undergraduate enrollment of approximately 6,000 students. The campus has a vibrant arts scene and provides many outdoor recreational opportunities.

3. SUNY Purchase: SUNY Purchase, located in Westchester County, is known for having strong programs in fine and performing arts. With an undergraduate enrollment of around 4,000 students, Purchase has a vibrant arts community and is relatively close to New York City.

4. SUNY Oneonta: With about 6,000 undergraduate students, SUNY Oneonta is located in the picturesque hills of central New York. The campus offers a wide range of majors and has a strong focus on sustainability and environmental stewardship.

5. SUNY Plattsburgh: SUNY Plattsburgh is also a smaller public college with around 5,000 undergraduate students. Located in Plattsburgh near Lake Champlain, it offers a variety of academic programs with a strong emphasis on applied learning experiences.

Keep in mind that each of these colleges has its own unique atmosphere, academic strengths, and extracurricular offerings. As you continue your college search, be sure to research each school in-depth, considering factors such as available majors, campus culture, and location. It's also a good idea to visit campuses if possible, as personal experiences may give you valuable insight into what type of environment suits you best. Good luck with your college search!

7 months ago

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