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Looking for private universities in Philly – suggestions?

Hey everyone, I'm currently a junior and interested in applying to private universities in Philadelphia. Could you give me some recommendations for good private schools in the area? Also, what should I keep in mind when comparing different private universities? Thanks in advance!

7 months ago

Hi there! Philadelphia is home to several reputable private universities, each with their unique strengths and academic offerings. Here are a few to consider:

1. University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) – An Ivy League institution and one of the most prestigious universities in the country. They have strong programs across the board, including business (Wharton School), engineering, and the liberal arts.

2. Drexel University – Known for its cooperative education program, which integrates professional work experiences with traditional classroom learning. Drexel offers strong programs in engineering, computer science, business, and design.

3. Saint Joseph's University – A Jesuit institution with a focus on liberal arts education, offering programs in business, humanities, and education.

4. La Salle University – A Catholic institution offering programs in nursing, business, communications, and social sciences, among others.

5. Thomas Jefferson University – With a particular focus on health professions, this university offers programs in areas like nursing, pharmacy, and occupational therapy.

When comparing private universities, consider the following factors:

1. Academics – Look into the strength of the programs that align with your interests and career goals. Research the faculty members, class sizes, and any unique learning opportunities such as research or study abroad programs.

2. Location – Evaluate the campus size, surrounding neighborhood, and whether it's urban, suburban, or rural. Think about how important the city of Philadelphia is to your college experience.

3. Campus life – Consider the extracurricular offerings, clubs, sports, and the overall student community. Look for opportunities to visit the campus or attend virtual events to get a feel for the student life.

4. Financial aid and cost – Private universities often have higher tuition costs than public institutions, but they can also offer substantial financial aid packages. Use each school's net price calculator to estimate the financial aid you could receive and the overall cost.

5. Post-graduation outcomes – Look at alumni networks, job placement rates, and average starting salaries for graduates in your field of interest to get a sense of the potential long-term value of your education.

Best of luck with your college search!

7 months ago

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