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What's the cost of attending APU?

Hey everyone, I'm looking into Azusa Pacific University (APU) as one of my choices for college. Can someone let me know what the current cost of attendance is, including tuition, fees, and any other expenses I should anticipate?

17 days ago

Hey there! Azusa Pacific University (APU) is a great school, and it's important to be informed about the costs you can expect. For the 2022-2023 academic year, the cost of attendance breaks down as follows:

1. Tuition and Fees: The annual tuition for full-time undergraduate students at APU is approximately $41,770. There is also a mandatory student services fee of roughly $620.

2. Room and Board: If you're planning on living on campus, APU's various housing options range in cost from around $5,320 to $7,640 per academic year, depending on the housing type. On top of that, meal plans will cost you between $4,370 and $5,170 per year, depending on the chosen plan.

3. Books and Supplies: Depending on your major, you might need to budget around $1,000 to $1,500 annually for textbooks and other school supplies.

4. Personal Expenses and Transportation: It's tough to pinpoint an exact amount for these expenses since they're dependent on various factors like your lifestyle and whether you own a car. To give a rough estimate, you might budget around $2,000 to $5,000 per year for personal and transportation expenses.

Adding up these figures, the total annual cost of attendance at APU might range from approximately $54,000 to $62,000. Keep in mind that these numbers can change each academic year, so always double-check the APU website for the most updated information.

Don't forget to research financial aid opportunities at APU! The school offers various scholarships, grants, and other options to help students fund their education. Make sure to complete the FAFSA to be considered for need-based aid as well. The financial aid office at APU can help guide you through the process and answer any questions you might have.

17 days ago

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