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Kenyon College

I've recently come across Kenyon College while looking for liberal arts colleges. Can someone share more information about their academics, campus life, and overall atmosphere? What sets Kenyon apart from other liberal arts schools?

15 days ago

Kenyon College is a small liberal arts college located in Gambier, Ohio. It is known for its rigorous academics, tight-knit community, and picturesque campus. Here's more information about its academics, campus life, and overall atmosphere:


Kenyon is renowned for its strong English, Creative Writing, and Drama programs. The college is home to the Kenyon Review, a prestigious literary magazine, which provides students with opportunities for internships, writing seminars, and more. Kenyon also offers more than 50 majors, minors, and concentrations across various fields, including the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. The college prides itself on its small class sizes (average class size is 15) and a student-faculty ratio of 10:1, which allows students to receive personalized attention and engage in collaborative learning with their professors.

Campus Life:

Kenyon's campus is surrounded by stunning natural beauty, including hills, forests, and even a 480-acre nature preserve, which provides opportunities for hiking, bird-watching, and other outdoor activities. Students can also participate in over 120 clubs and organizations, ranging from community service and environmental initiatives to art, theatre, and culture groups. The campus itself is noted for its stunning Gothic architecture, which gives it a unique and beautiful atmosphere. The college also hosts yearly events like the Kenyon Review Literary Festival and Summer Sendoff, a springtime event featuring live music, performances, and outdoor activities.

Overall Atmosphere:

Kenyon is known for its close-knit, inclusive, and intellectual community. Students typically find the campus to be friendly, supportive, and collaborative, which fosters connections both in and outside the classroom. The college's rural setting adds to its charm and provides a distinct sense of community. However, it's worth noting that due to its size, Kenyon may not have the same resources or facilities as larger institutions, so it's essential to consider if the intimate, small-college environment aligns with your preferences.

What sets Kenyon apart:

Kenyon College is distinguished by its strong liberal arts curriculum, exceptional writing and drama programs, and its emphasis on close connections between students and faculty. Additionally, the college's natural setting and beautiful campus create a unique atmosphere that many appreciate. Kenyon's small size and sense of community also set it apart from other liberal arts schools, as students often form lifelong bonds with peers and professors.

In summary, Kenyon College is an excellent choice for students seeking a rigorous liberal arts education in a serene, picturesque environment with a strong sense of community. Its well-regarded programs in English, Creative Writing, and Drama—as well as its distinctive campus culture—make it stand out among other liberal arts colleges.

15 days ago

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