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Cost of attending Barnard College?

Hey, does anyone know how much the tuition is for Barnard College? Trying to figure out if it's affordable for my family. Any financial aid info would be helpful too! Thanks!

15 days ago

Hey! As of the 2024-2025 academic year, the total cost of attendance for Barnard College is approximately $90,928 per year, which includes tuition, fees, and room & board. The tuition alone is around $64,078 per year, with the remaining costs coming from room, board, and other fees like health insurance and miscellaneous expenses.

When it comes to financial aid, Barnard is committed to meeting full, demonstrated financial need for all admitted students. You should fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and the CSS Profile to help determine your family's eligibility for aid. Barnard offers both need-based financial aid and some merit-based scholarships as well. It's important to note that Barnard is need-aware for international students and transfer students, but need-blind for first-year, domestic applicants.

To get an estimate of how much financial aid you might receive, you can use Barnard's Net Price Calculator, which is available on their website. This tool will give you a better idea of the cost of attendance for your specific financial situation.

Keep in mind that the actual financial aid package you receive may vary depending on several factors, including your family's finances, the number of students applying for aid, and the overall funds available. The best way to know for sure is to apply and see what kind of aid you are offered if admitted. Good luck!

15 days ago

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