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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Connecticut colleges list

Hey all, I'm exploring college options, and I want to focus on schools in Connecticut. Can someone provide a list of colleges in Connecticut or direct me to a resource that has this information? Thanks for the help!

18 days ago

Sure! Here's a list of colleges and universities in Connecticut to help you start your search. Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list, but it will give you a solid starting point:

1. University of Connecticut (UConn)

2. Yale University

3. Quinnipiac University

4. Trinity College

5. Wesleyan University

6. Fairfield University

7. Central Connecticut State University (CCSU)

8. Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU)

9. Eastern Connecticut State University (ECSU)

10. Western Connecticut State University (WCSU)

11. University of Hartford

12. University of Bridgeport

13. University of New Haven

14. Connecticut College

15. Sacred Heart University

16. Saint Joseph University

Each of these institutions offers a range of programs and varying campus environments, so I encourage you to look into them further and consider factors such as size, location, and available majors. There are also many smaller liberal arts colleges and specialized schools in Connecticut—depending on your interests and goals, you may find additional options that appeal to you.

For more comprehensive resources on colleges in Connecticut or elsewhere, consider using CollegeVine's College Search Tool or the U.S. Department of Education's College Navigator. Both are excellent resources to help you research and explore institutions based on criteria like location, major, size, and more. Good luck with your college search!

18 days ago

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