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What are the most popular majors at UC Berkeley?

I'm looking into applying to UC Berkeley next year, and I was wondering what some of the most popular majors are there? Are there any programs or departments that really stand out?

11 days ago

UC Berkeley is known for its strong programs across a wide range of subjects, which is one of the reasons it's consistently ranked as a top public university. Some of the most popular majors at UC Berkeley include:

1. Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS)

2. Business Administration (Haas School of Business)

3. Political Science

4. Economics

5. Psychology

6. Integrative Biology

7. Environmental Science

8. Molecular and Cell Biology

9. Mechanical Engineering

10. English

UC Berkeley excels in many areas, but a few programs and departments that really stand out include:

- Engineering: Berkeley's College of Engineering is highly acclaimed, particularly its Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) program, which is one of the top in the nation.

- Business: The Haas School of Business is ranked among the best business schools in the world and offers a strong undergraduate program in Business Administration.

- Social Sciences: Political Science and Economics are also very popular and well-regarded majors at UC Berkeley, with access to renowned faculty and extensive research opportunities.

- Natural Sciences: Berkeley has exceptional programs in Integrative Biology, Molecular and Cell Biology, and Environmental Science. These popular programs benefit from cutting-edge research facilities and faculty with expertise in various scientific fields.

Of course, these are just a few examples of UC Berkeley's offerings. The university excels in many disciplines, so you'll have access to quality programs and world-class faculty regardless of your major.

11 days ago

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