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Mid-Atlantic region colleges: where to start?

I'd really love to attend college in the Mid-Atlantic region, but I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with the options. What are your favorite schools in the area and what makes them stand out from the rest?

18 days ago

The Mid-Atlantic region in the US is known for having numerous prestigious and diverse colleges that offer students various opportunities and experiences. Here are four standout schools in the area:

1. Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, Maryland): Johns Hopkins is well-known for its research-intensive programs and consistently ranks highly on national and global scales. The university has a strong emphasis on STEM fields, particularly in pre-med and engineering, though it also offers excellent programs in humanities. Moreover, the Peabody Conservatory provides outstanding music training, so if you're interested in pursuing music, Johns Hopkins is an excellent choice.

2. Georgetown University (Washington D.C.): Georgetown is a well-regarded school in a vibrant urban setting. It's particularly renowned for its programs in international relations, political science, and business. Its proximity to the Nation's capital provides students with unique internships and networking opportunities in government, non-profits, and international organizations.

3. University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania): Known as an Ivy League institution, UPenn is acclaimed for its business programs through the Wharton School, as well as strong programs in nursing, engineering, and liberal arts. The campus is located in a bustling part of Philadelphia, offering students access to a rich cultural scene and internships in various industries.

4. Swarthmore College (Swarthmore, Pennsylvania): Swarthmore is a top liberal arts college located in a beautiful, suburban setting, offering small class sizes and a close-knit community. The college is known for its commitment to social responsibility and community involvement. Strong academics and a rigorous honors program set it apart from other liberal arts schools, while the school's consortium with Haverford College and Bryn Mawr College allows students to take classes at all three institutions.

These are just a few examples of the excellent institutions the Mid-Atlantic region offers. It's essential to consider factors, such as size, location, academic programs, campus culture, and financial aid when researching schools. Additionally, visiting campuses (in-person or virtually) and attending information sessions can give you a better feel for each institution and help you find the best fit for you.

18 days ago

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