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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Exploring Juilliard's tuition cost

Hey everyone! I'm really interested in attending Juilliard for its prestigious performing arts program. Does anyone know how much the annual tuition cost is at Juilliard? Are there any scholarships or financial aid programs available for students like me?

19 days ago

Hi there! Juilliard is indeed known for its world-class performing arts programs. For the 2024-2025 academic year, the annual tuition for undergraduate students at Juilliard is $54,400. Keep in mind that this amount is subject to change in the future and you should also factor in additional costs like room and board, fees, and other miscellaneous expenses.

Juilliard offers a range of scholarships and financial aid programs to help students finance their education. The school is committed to meeting 100% of the demonstrated financial need of its students. Merit-based scholarships are awarded based on the audition or portfolio review during the admissions process, so you don't need to submit a separate application for these scholarships.

In addition to merit-based aid, need-based aid is also available. To be considered for need-based aid, you'll need to submit the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and the CSS Profile. These forms will help Juilliard determine your eligibility for federal and institutional financial aid. There are also work-study opportunities available for eligible students.

Outside of Juilliard's financial aid offerings, you can look for external scholarships and grants, which may be targeted specifically at performers or students pursuing studies in the arts. Websites like Fastweb and Scholly can help you search for applicable scholarships based on your unique profile. Good luck in your pursuit of an education at Juilliard!

19 days ago

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