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Cal Poly Pomona vs UC Riverside

So I've got acceptances from both Cal Poly Pomona and UC Riverside, but I'm having a hard time choosing which one to attend. Could you guys share some pros and cons of each school? Thanks!

12 days ago

Congratulations on your acceptances to both Cal Poly Pomona and UC Riverside! Both universities have their own strengths, and the right choice ultimately depends on your academic interests and personal preferences. Here are some key points to consider for each:

Cal Poly Pomona:


1. Cal Poly Pomona is known for its "learn by doing" approach, which emphasizes hands-on learning and practical experiences in various disciplines. This could be particularly beneficial if you're interested in majors like engineering or agriculture.

2. Smaller class sizes and faculty-student interactions mean you might have more opportunities for personal attention from professors.

3. Cal Poly Pomona's campus is located in a suburban setting that offers a well-balanced environment for socializing, recreation, and academics.


1. Cal Poly Pomona has fewer research opportunities compared to a UC, since it is more focused on teaching and practical application.

2. Limited course diversity and availability. Some students have reported that it can be challenging to get certain courses or to register for required classes due to their high demand.

3. Graduation rates at Cal Poly Pomona are lower than UC Riverside, so you may want to factor this into your decision-making process.

UC Riverside:


1. As a part of the University of California (UC) system, UC Riverside boasts prestigious academic programs and research opportunities. This can be advantageous if you're interested in research or graduate school.

2. UCR offers more than 100 majors and a larger course selection compared to Cal Poly Pomona, which could give you more room to explore various academic interests.

3. UC Riverside has a higher diversity ranking, which could provide a more inclusive and well-rounded experience.


1. UC Riverside has a more urban setting, which may not be preferable for everyone. Campus life may feel busier or more crowded compared to Cal Poly Pomona's suburban environment.

2. Class sizes are often larger at UCR, so you may experience less individualized faculty attention than at Cal Poly Pomona.

3. UC schools typically have higher costs of attendance compared to Cal State schools, so you may want to consider the financial aspect when making your choice.

Ultimately, the decision should depend on factors such as the academic programs, campus culture, location, and finances. It's essential to take your personal preferences and priorities into account when choosing between these two universities. Good luck with your decision, and let me know if you have any further questions!

12 days ago

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