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Air Force Academy costs?

I'm thinking about applying to the Air Force Academy and was wondering what the associated costs are like. I heard the tuition is covered, but what about other expenses such as uniforms, textbooks, and any fees? Any information would be so helpful!

5 months ago

You're right, tuition is covered when attending the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA). In fact, the Academy offers excellent financial support to cover most of the costs associated with attending. Here's a breakdown of the costs and support you can expect:

1. Tuition: Fully covered.

2. Room and Board: Fully covered.

3. Monthly Stipend: All cadets receive a monthly stipend that is designed to cover any essential out-of-pocket expenses and increase slightly each year. For example, a freshman starts with a stipend of around $1,200 per month.

4. Health Care: Comprehensive health care is provided.

5. Uniforms: The initial issue of uniforms is provided at no cost to the cadet. However, cadets should expect a small portion of their monthly stipend to be used for uniform maintenance and replacement as needed.

6. Textbooks and Course Materials: Cadets must buy their textbooks and some course materials using their stipend. The cost of books typically averages around $200-$500 per semester, but this can vary depending on the courses taken.

There are a few fees that cadets may be responsible for, such as club dues or tickets for optional events. However, the stipend is designed to help cover these expenses if cadets choose to participate.

It's important to remember that in exchange for this financial support, cadets commit to serving in the Air Force upon graduation. The standard service obligation is five years of active-duty service and three years of reserve service after graduation.

Overall, the USAFA provides an exceptional financial package for its students, which can alleviate many of the financial worries that come with attending a traditional institution.

5 months ago

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