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New York State public colleges and universities?

Hello everyone! I was wondering if any of you could provide a list of public colleges and universities in New York State? I'd like to focus my search on public institutions, but I'm having a hard time finding a comprehensive list. Thank you in advance!

18 days ago

Hello! Certainly, I can help you out with a list of public colleges and universities in New York State. These institutions are part of the State University of New York (SUNY) and City University of New York (CUNY) systems. Keep in mind, there are many community colleges within these systems as well, but for this list, I'll focus on four-year institutions.

State University of New York (SUNY) System:

1. SUNY Albany

2. SUNY Binghamton

3. SUNY Buffalo

4. SUNY Buffalo State

5. SUNY College at Brockport

6. SUNY College at Cortland

7. SUNY College at Fredonia

8. SUNY College at Geneseo

9. SUNY College at New Paltz

10. SUNY College at Old Westbury

11. SUNY College at Oneonta

12. SUNY College at Oswego

13. SUNY College at Plattsburgh

14. SUNY College at Potsdam

15. SUNY College at Purchase

16. SUNY Empire State College

17. Farmingdale State College

18. Fashion Institute of Technology

19. Maritime College

20. Morrisville State College

21. SUNY Cobleskill

22. SUNY Delhi

23. SUNY Canton

24. SUNY Polytechnic Institute

25. SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry

26. University at Stony Brook

City University of New York (CUNY) System:

1. Baruch College

2. Brooklyn College

3. City College of New York

4. College of Staten Island

5. Hunter College

6. John Jay College of Criminal Justice

7. Lehman College

8. Medgar Evers College

9. New York City College of Technology

10. Queens College

11. York College

I hope this list helps you during your college search process. Keep in mind that each institution has different programs and strengths, so research each one to find the best fit for your academic and personal interests. Good luck!

18 days ago

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