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SAT: 720 math
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Looking for colleges in Fort Wayne, Indiana

Hey all, I'm trying to find a college in or around Fort Wayne, Indiana. Does anyone have any suggestions or personal experiences with colleges in that area? I'd love to hear about them!

13 days ago

Hello! Fort Wayne, Indiana, has several colleges within the city and its surrounding areas. Here are some well-known options to consider:

1. Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW): IPFW is a public university offering a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate programs. As a joint campus, it combines the benefits of being associated with both the Indiana University and Purdue University systems. Popular majors at IPFW include business, education, engineering, and nursing.

2. University of Saint Francis (USF): USF is a small, private, Catholic liberal arts university with a strong focus on personal attention and a nurturing environment. USF offers more than 60 undergraduate programs, with popular majors such as nursing, business, and education. They also have strong arts programs and a robust athletics department for a smaller institution.

3. Ivy Tech Community College-Fort Wayne: If you're looking for an affordable and convenient option, Ivy Tech Community College has a campus in Fort Wayne. This school provides a range of associate degree programs and certificates, serving as a great starting point for many careers or as a way to complete general education requirements before transferring to a four-year college.

4. Indiana Tech: Indiana Tech is a private, non-profit university that offers both on-campus and online degree programs. The university is primarily known for its engineering, business, and computer science programs, but they also offer degrees in areas such as criminal justice and psychology.

These are just a few options in and around the Fort Wayne area. Depending on your specific interests, academic goals, and desired campus environment, one of these colleges might be a great fit for you. Be sure to research each campus, visit if possible, and reach out to current students or alumni to get a better understanding of the college experience at each institution. Good luck in your search!

13 days ago

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