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SAT: 720 math
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Majors offered at the University of New Haven?

Hi all! I'm currently looking into the University of New Haven, and I'm curious about which majors are offered there. If any of you have attended or know someone who did, could you let me know about the most popular or unique majors at the university? Thanks!

17 days ago

Hello! The University of New Haven offers a wide range of majors across various disciplines. Some popular majors include criminal justice, forensic science, engineering, business, psychology, and communication. The university is known for its well-established programs in criminal justice and forensic science, as it houses the prestigious Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences.

In addition to these popular majors, there are other unique programs that you might find interesting. For example, the university offers a major in marine biology, which gives students the opportunity to study marine organisms in their natural habitats. There's also a music and sound recording major, which combines music theory and technology to prepare students for careers in the music industry.

It's definitely not an exhaustive list of all the majors available at the University of New Haven, but I hope this provides you with a good starting point. I recommend visiting the university's website and exploring their academic offerings to get a complete understanding of each program and to see which ones may align with your interests and passions. Good luck!

17 days ago

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