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| 800 verbal


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Average SAT Score for University of Washington?

Hey y'all! I'm a junior and I've been researching the University of Washington. What's the average SAT score for admitted students? I want to know if my current score aligns with their expectations. Thanks in advance!

7 months ago

Hey! The University of Washington is a great school, and it's good that you're trying to see if your SAT score aligns with their expectations. For the most recent data available, the middle 50% of admitted students' SAT scores generally fall in the range of 1320 to 1500. This means that 25% of students scored below 1320, and another 25% scored above 1500. However, it's important to remember that UW considers other factors in their admissions process, such as GPA, course rigor, essays, and extracurricular activities.

If your SAT score is within or above this range, you're likely in a competitive position for admission. If it's lower, you might consider retaking the SAT to improve your chances, while also focusing on other aspects of your application to demonstrate your strengths. Good luck!

7 months ago

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