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Texas colleges with high acceptance rates?

Hi guys! Junior here and I am looking into colleges in Texas with high acceptance rates. I want to have some backup options as I start applying. Can anyone recommend some schools they know have higher acceptance rates? Thanks in advance!

7 months ago

Hello! It's smart to have backup options when applying to college. Here are some Texas colleges with relatively high acceptance rates to consider for your safety schools:

1. Texas A&M University–Commerce: With an acceptance rate of about 81%, this campus offers a variety of degree programs, including business, education, and social work.

2. University of North Texas: Located in Denton, UNT has an acceptance rate close to 73% and offers a wide range of programs, from music to engineering.

3. Texas State University: Situated in San Marcos, Texas State has an acceptance rate of around 63%. It offers strong programs in fields such as geography, criminal justice, and health sciences.

4. Stephen F. Austin State University: Located in Nacogdoches, this university has an acceptance rate of about 90%. It has strong programs in education, forestry, and nursing.

5. Sam Houston State University: SHSU in Huntsville has an acceptance rate of around 73% and is known for its programs in criminal justice, business, and education.

6. Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi: With an acceptance rate of nearly 80%, this coastal university offers degrees in marine biology, business, and health sciences, among others.

7. Texas A&M University–Kingsville: This university has an acceptance rate of about 78% and offers programs in fields like engineering, agriculture, and music.

8. Lamar University: Located in Beaumont, Lamar has an acceptance rate of around 88%. You might consider looking into their programs in engineering, business, and education.

These schools all have relatively high acceptance rates and offer a variety of degree programs. Keep in mind that acceptance rates can change year by year, so it's always good to double-check the latest numbers. Good luck with your college search!

7 months ago

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