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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What is the student population at Fisk University?

Hi all, I'm considering applying to Fisk University and I'm curious about the size and diversity of the student population. Anyone know how many students attend Fisk, and what the overall vibes on campus are like? Thanks!

7 months ago

Fisk University is a small, private historically black university (HBCU) located in Nashville, Tennessee. As of Fall 2023, the enrollment at Fisk University was around 963 students, including both undergraduate and graduate students. The university's small size fosters a close-knit community and provides more opportunity for students to connect with faculty and classmates.

In terms of diversity, Fisk University is predominantly African-American, with a commitment to creating a diverse environment for students of various cultural backgrounds. As an HBCU, the school history and campus culture are rooted in the African-American experience, and it plays a significant role in the campus atmosphere. However, the university also welcomes students from different ethnicities, countries, and backgrounds, contributing to a vibrant and diverse community.

The overall campus vibe at Fisk University has been described as supportive, inclusive, and nurturing. With a smaller student population, there's a sense of camaraderie and close connections among students. Additionally, the university offers various clubs, organizations, and events, allowing students to engage with one another and explore their interests and passions.

7 months ago

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