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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can I still become a nurse with bad grades in high school?

Hello everyone, I'm in my junior year and my ultimate goal is to become a nurse. However, I struggled in my first two years of high school, and as a result, my GPA isn't great, especially in the science classes needed for nursing. Is it still possible for me to get into a nursing program with these grades? What can I do now to improve my chances?

a year ago

Hello! It's great to hear that you're passionate about a career in nursing. While it's true that nursing programs can be competitive, it's important to remember that there's still time for you to improve and demonstrate your dedication to this field.

It's crucial to focus on raising your GPA during your junior and senior years, particularly in science courses. Consider trying to get extra help, such as tutoring or meeting with teachers, to strengthen your understanding of the material. Also, consider taking relevant electives or participating in extracurricular activities related to healthcare to showcase your interest in nursing.

Additionally, some nursing programs offer conditional or provisional acceptance programs that enable students with lower GPAs to prove themselves and eventually transition into the nursing program. Remember to research and apply for schools with various selectivity levels to maximize your chances. Keep working hard and stay positive—your path towards a nursing career is still achievable!

a year ago

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