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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Yale GPA Requirements: Info Please

Hello! I'm super interested in applying to Yale, but I'm concerned about my GPA. What is the typical GPA range for admitted students? Are there any examples of students being accepted with lower GPAs due to outstanding extracurriculars, essays or other factors?

7 months ago

Yale University is an Ivy League institution and highly competitive, so students admitted typically have strong GPAs. The middle 50% of admitted students have unweighted GPAs between 3.95 and 4.0 on a 4.0 scale, which means the majority of accepted students have near-perfect or perfect GPAs.

However, Yale, like many other top-tier schools, uses a holistic approach in their admissions process. That means they consider all aspects of an applicant's profile, not just GPA. Although a high GPA is essential, other application components, such as standardized test scores (when submitted), essays, recommendation letters, and extracurricular activities, also play crucial roles in determining the likelihood of admission.

There have been cases where students with lower GPAs were admitted due to outstanding performance in other aspects of their application. For example, they may have exceptionally strong extracurriculars, demonstrating a unique talent or an impact on the community, or they might showcase compelling personal essays that reveal their character, values, and potential to contribute positively to Yale's community.

In summary, while a high GPA is important for admission to Yale, it is not the only factor they consider. A strong overall application has the potential to stand out and compensate for a lower GPA. To maximize your chances of admission, focus on highlighting your strengths and differentiating factors in all components of your application.

7 months ago

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