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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the average GPA for Cornell acceptance?

I'm applying to Cornell and I'm curious about the average GPA of accepted students. I know GPA isn't everything, but I'd like to know where I stand in comparison to other applicants.

7 months ago

The average GPA of accepted students at Cornell University varies by college within the university, but overall, it's typically around a 4.0 weighted GPA or higher. The average unweighted GPA tends to fall around a 3.9. Keep in mind that Cornell, like other selective institutions, places a strong emphasis on the rigor of your high school coursework, so it's important to take challenging classes such as AP, IB, or honors courses if they are offered at your high school.

While GPA is an important factor, Cornell uses a holistic admissions process and considers various factors such as standardized test scores, extracurricular involvement, essays, and letters of recommendation when making admissions decisions. So, even if your GPA is slightly lower than the university's average, you can still be a competitive applicant if you showcase your strengths in these other areas.

To get a better understanding of your chances at Cornell, you can research the academic profiles of admitted students and compare them to your own. Keep in mind that these averages are only a part of the application picture, and you should continue to focus on other aspects of your application to set yourself apart.

7 months ago

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