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BYU tuition and costs

What's up, folks? Just curious, how much would it cost to attend BYU? I know tuition probably varies from year to year, but could anyone provide an estimate? And what about scholarships or financial aid offered by BYU?

7 months ago

Hey there! The cost of attending Brigham Young University (BYU) depends on whether you're a Latter-day Saints (LDS) member or not. For the 2024-2025 academic year, tuition for LDS members is $3,344 per semester, while for non-LDS students, it's $6,688 per semester. Keep in mind that tuition is subject to change each year.

In addition to tuition, you'll also need to factor in housing, meal plans, books, and personal expenses. BYU estimates that housing and meals may range from $8,000 to $12,000 per year, while books and supplies could add around $1000 annually. Personal expenses will vary depending on your lifestyle.

As for financial aid, BYU offers a variety of scholarships based on different criteria, such as academic achievement, extracurricular activities, and financial need. Some scholarships are awarded automatically when you're accepted to the university, while others require a separate application. Make sure to apply for federal and state financial aid using the FAFSA as well, as you may qualify for grants and low-interest loans.

Also, check out external scholarships not related to BYU so that you can maximize your funding opportunities. There are several resources to search for scholarships based on your unique profile and interests, including CollegeVine.

Best of luck in your scholarship search and college admissions process!

7 months ago

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