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University of Minnesota GPA average for admission?

Hello! I am a high school junior planning to apply to the University of Minnesota, and I was wondering if anyone knows the average GPA for admitted students? Additionally, could you tell me if this varies greatly between different colleges within the university? Thank you!

7 months ago

Hello! The University of Minnesota Twin Cities has a somewhat broad range of average GPAs for admitted students due to its various colleges and programs. On an unweighted 4.0 scale, the middle 50% range for incoming freshmen is usually between 3.57 - 3.96.

Now, when it comes to different colleges within the University of Minnesota, there can be some variance in GPAs for admitted students. More competitive and specialized programs, such as the Carlson School of Management or the College of Science and Engineering, may have higher average GPAs for admitted students. However, the university's holistic admissions process does take into account factors beyond GPA, such as your extracurricular activities, essays, and letters of recommendation.

To give yourself the best chance of admission, aim for a GPA that falls within or above the middle 50% range mentioned earlier and focus on highlighting your strengths, passion, and commitment to your chosen field through your application. Good luck!

7 months ago

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