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SAT: 720 math
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USC Room and Board Costs?

Hey guys, I'm really interested in University of Southern California! Can somebody tell me the cost for room and board at USC? Are there any budget-friendly dorm options available?

7 months ago

Hey there! Current room and board costs at the University of Southern California (USC) vary depending on the housing option you choose. On average, the cost is around $19,931 per academic year.

USC offers a variety of on-campus housing options, such as residence halls, suite-style living, and apartments. Budget-friendly dorm options are indeed available; these typically include the traditional residence halls. These halls generally have shared rooms and communal bathrooms, which allows for a lower cost compared to other on-campus housing options.

Keep in mind that these prices also can be influenced by the type of meal plan you choose. USC offers various meal plan options with different pricing structures so you can choose the one that fits your budget and dietary needs best.

I recommend checking the USC Housing website for specific costs and availability based on the type of housing you're interested in. Additionally, consider exploring off-campus housing options nearby, which might also be budget-friendly depending on location and living arrangements.

7 months ago

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