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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Hey guys, I'm stuck deciding between University of Rhode Island (URI) and University of New Hampshire (UNH) for college. Can anyone help me weigh the pros and cons of these two schools? Thanks in advance!

7 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to help you compare the University of Rhode Island (URI) and the University of New Hampshire (UNH). Keep in mind that choosing a college is a personal decision and it's essential to consider your own goals, major, and preferences when making your choice. Here's a comparison of some aspects of the two schools:

1. Location and setting:

URI is located in Kingston, Rhode Island, which is a small college town. The campus is close to several beaches and is about a 30-minute drive from Providence. UNH is located in Durham, New Hampshire, a classic New England college town that's also close to nature. Both campuses offer a mix of urban and rural experiences, but URI's proximity to beaches may be appealing if you enjoy coastal activities.

2. Size:

URI has an enrollment of around 14,600 undergraduate students, while UNH has about 12,500. Both schools are relatively similar in size, but URI is slightly larger. This may lead to more opportunities on campus, but also slightly larger class sizes on average.

3. Academics:

URI is known for its strong programs in engineering, pharmacy, and ocean sciences. It also offers a wide range of majors in business, health sciences, and the liberal arts. UNH is reputable for its programs in engineering, business, environmental sciences, and animal sciences. Depending on your intended major, one school may have a stronger program than the other. Ensure you do thorough research on the specific programs in your area of interest.

4. Campus life:

Both URI and UNH have active student bodies with various clubs, organizations, and events to get involved in. Greek life is present at both schools, but it's not dominating the campus culture. Athletics is also an important aspect of the campus experience at both institutions.

5. Cost and financial aid:

The tuition and fees for both schools are relatively similar. URI's in-state tuition is around $14,630, while out-of-state tuition is around $34,834. UNH's in-state tuition is about $15,520, and out-of-state tuition is around $36,170. Make sure you check each school's net price calculator to get an estimate of the financial aid you're likely to receive. Look into the scholarship and aid opportunities each school provides.

Ultimately, the best choice for you will depend on your personal preferences, academic goals, and financial situation. I'd recommend visiting both campuses if possible, and researching more about specific programs you're interested in. Consider factors such as extracurricular activities, campus community, housing options, and alumni network as well. Good luck with your decision!

7 months ago

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