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Fairleigh Dickinson University undergraduate tuition and fees?

Hey friends, I'm considering applying to Fairleigh Dickinson University, but I need to have a clear understanding of their tuition costs and fees for undergraduates. Anybody have the numbers or can point me in the right direction? Much appreciated!

7 months ago

The tuition and fees at Fairleigh Dickinson University vary depending on whether you enroll at the Metropolitan Campus in Teaneck, NJ or the Florham Campus in Madison, NJ. For the 2024-2025 academic year, here are the undergraduate tuition and fees for both campuses:

1. Metropolitan Campus (Teaneck, NJ):

- Tuition: $34,578 per year

- University Fee: $1,834 per year

2. Florham Campus (Madison, NJ):

- Tuition: $34,578 per year

- University Fee: $1,834 per year

Please note that these figures don't include housing, meal plans, or other costs. It's also important to remember that tuition and fees are subject to change each year. Additionally, financial aid, scholarships, and grants may be available to help offset these costs.

I recommend visiting Fairleigh Dickinson University's website or contacting their admissions or financial aid offices for the most up-to-date information on tuition and fees. They can also provide you with more details regarding financial aid options and the application process. Good luck!

7 months ago

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