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Howard University Tuition and Fees Breakdown

Hi guys! I need some help understanding the tuition and fees for Howard University. Can anyone break down the costs for me, and let me know if there are any additional fees I should be aware of? Thanks in advance!

7 months ago

Hi there! I can definitely help you break down the tuition and fees for Howard University. Keep in mind that these numbers are for the 2024-2025 academic year and might change slightly in the future. Here's the general cost breakdown for undergraduate students:

1. Tuition: The full-time undergraduate tuition for both in-state and out-of-state students is $32,878 per year.

2. Mandatory Fees: $466

3. Housing: The housing cost is roughly $10,570 per academic year, but this depends on the residence hall you choose.

4. Meal Plan: Meal plan costs can vary based on the plan you choose. Generally, they cost around $5,904 per academic year.

Adding up these costs, the total estimated cost of attendance (tuition, mandatory fees, housing, and meal plan) ranges from approximately $49,818 per academic year.

There might be additional fees based on your academic program or specific needs, such as course fees, lab fees, study abroad fees, or enrollment in a health insurance plan if you don't have your own. It's a good idea to review the Howard University website and contact the school's financial aid office if you have specific questions about your program or personal situation.

Remember, the figures quoted here are for a year, and most undergraduate programs last for four years, so consider that in your long-term financial planning. If you're concerned about these costs, make sure to explore financial aid options like grants, scholarships, work-study, and student loans. You can use Howard University's net price calculator to get an estimate of the financial aid package you might receive based on your family's financial situation.

I hope this information helps you get a better understanding of the tuition and fees at Howard University!

7 months ago

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