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How much does it cost to attend Virginia Tech?

Hi everyone, I've been researching Virginia Tech lately and getting pretty excited about the possibility of studying there. Can anybody provide me with the estimated cost of attendance for both in-state and out-of-state students? Thanks in advance!

12 days ago

Hi there! Virginia Tech is a great school, and it's natural to want to know the cost of attendance. Keep in mind that the costs can change from year to year, so make sure to double-check the school's official website for the most up-to-date information.

For the 2023-2024 academic year, the estimated cost for in-state students is as follows:

- Tuition and fees: $15,478

- Room and board: $14,888

- Books and supplies: $2,620

- Personal expenses: $2,400

- Transportation: $1,796

For in-state students, the total estimated cost of attendance is $37,182.

For out-of-state students, the cost is higher:

- Tuition and fees: $36,694

- Room and board: $14,888

- Books and supplies: $2,620

- Personal expenses: $2,400

- Transportation: $1,796

For out-of-state students, the total estimated cost of attendance is $58,398.

Remember that these are estimated costs, and your financial situation and housing choices may affect the overall cost. Also, don't forget to consider applying for financial aid, as that can greatly reduce your expenses. You can use Virginia Tech's net price calculator to get a better idea of what you might expect to pay after factoring in financial aid. Good luck with your college search!

12 days ago

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