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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Brooklyn College diversity?

I'm thinking of applying to Brooklyn College, but I'm curious about its diversity. Does anyone know how diverse the campus and student body are? Thanks in advance!

10 days ago

Brooklyn College is known for its diverse student body, which is one of its strengths. The campus is located in Brooklyn, New York, a culturally rich and vibrant area with a diverse population. This diverse environment is reflected in the school's student population—students come from a broad range of backgrounds, representing various ethnicities, religions, and nationalities.

According to the College's statistics, the student body is made up of a large portion of underrepresented minorities, including African American, Hispanic/Latino, and Asian students. You'll find a wide array of student organizations and clubs catering to different cultural, ethnic, and religious groups, as well as support services promoting diversity and inclusion. These clubs and organizations provide opportunities for students to engage with each other and learn about different cultures.

Overall, Brooklyn College's diverse campus environment can offer opportunities for intellectual and personal growth, allowing students to interact with and learn from people with a variety of different perspectives and experiences.

10 days ago

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