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Bucknell vs. Fordham: Help me decide!

Hi everyone, I was fortunate enough to get into both Bucknell University and Fordham University and I'm having a hard time deciding which one to attend. Can anyone share their experiences or thoughts on these schools, the environment, and the opportunities available? Much appreciated!

15 days ago

Congratulations on getting accepted to both Bucknell University and Fordham University! It's a fantastic achievement, and I'm sure it's an exciting time for you. Each school has its own set of strengths, and deciding which one to attend will ultimately depend on your personal preferences and goals. That being said, I can help touch upon some differences between these two institutions.

Campus Environment:

Bucknell University is located in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, a small, charming college town with a rural atmosphere. The campus is beautiful with plenty of green spaces, enabling students to partake in outdoor activities and enjoy a more nature-oriented experience.

Fordham University has two main campuses - the Rose Hill campus in the Bronx, New York City, and Lincoln Center in Manhattan. The Rose Hill campus has a more traditional, picturesque campus with historic buildings, while the Lincoln Center campus is located in a bustling urban setting. New York City itself offers countless opportunities for internships, cultural experiences, and networking.


Bucknell has a strong focus on liberal arts and engineering, offering a mix of academic programs that cater to a variety of interests. It also places a strong emphasis on undergraduate research, providing numerous opportunities for students to get involved directly with their professors.

Fordham University has robust programs in business, liberal arts, and communications. The Gabelli School of Business, in particular, is highly regarded. Classes at Fordham may be larger than at Bucknell, especially at lower levels, so be prepared for a different experience when it comes to class sizes and faculty interaction.

Social Life:

Bucknell has a vibrant social scene with a strong Greek life presence on campus. The residence halls are designed to foster a sense of community among students and promote an inclusive atmosphere.

Fordham has both a thriving on-campus social life and the added benefit of being located in New York City, offering a wide variety of opportunities for entertainment and cultural exploration. However, it's worth noting that Greek life is not as prevalent at Fordham compared to Bucknell.

All things considered, if you're more interested in a smaller, tight-knit campus with a rural setting and a greater focus on faculty interaction, Bucknell might be better suited for you. If you prefer an urban environment with access to the endless opportunities that New York City has to offer, Fordham would likely be the better choice.

Ultimately, it's essential to visit both campuses (if possible) and introspect on what kind of college experience you desire. Regardless of which path you choose, I have no doubt that you will be successful and make the most of your time at either Bucknell or Fordham.

15 days ago

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