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Newburgh college recommendations?

I've been looking at colleges in the Newburgh area but can't seem to find a lot of info. Anyone familiar with the colleges there? Any recommendations or insights would be super helpful! Thanks!

7 months ago

I'd be happy to help you with some information about colleges in and around the Newburgh area! While Newburgh itself doesn't have many higher education institutions, you'll find several colleges in the surrounding region.

1. Mount Saint Mary College (MSMC): This is a private liberal arts college located in Newburgh. MSMC offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a variety of fields such as nursing, business, education, social sciences, and humanities. It's a small college with a strong sense of community, giving you the chance to get to know your professors and peers on a personal level.

2. SUNY Orange (Orange County Community College): Located in neighboring Middletown, SUNY Orange is a two-year community college offering a range of associate degrees and certificate programs. The college is part of the State University of New York (SUNY) system and provides an affordable, quality education with the option to transfer to a four-year university after completing your coursework.

3. SUNY New Paltz: About 15 miles from Newburgh is SUNY New Paltz, a four-year public university also part of the SUNY system. This campus offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a variety of fields, such as engineering, psychology, communication, and fine arts, among others. It's known for its strong liberal arts programs and vibrant student life.

4. Marist College: Located in Poughkeepsie, about 20 miles from Newburgh, Marist is a comprehensive, independent, liberal arts college that offers undergraduate and graduate programs. Popular areas of study here include business, communication, computer science, and fashion. The college is located on a beautiful campus along the Hudson River and has a strong sense of community.

When considering colleges in the Newburgh area, I recommend visiting the campuses, if possible, and reaching out to current students or alumni to get a better sense of the school's vibe and programs. This will help you determine which institution best aligns with your educational needs and preferences. Good luck!

7 months ago

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