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University of Florida expenses

Does anyone know the overall cost (tuition, fees, housing, etc.) of attending the University of Florida for a year? Trying to see if it's a good fit for me financially. Thanks!

7 months ago

The overall cost of attending the University of Florida varies depending on your residency status. For the 2024-2025 academic year, the estimated costs are as follows:

For Florida residents:

- Tuition and Fees: $6,380

- Housing and Food: $12,120

- Books and Supplies: $1,260

- Transportation: $1,660

- Personal Expenses: $2,054

Total estimated cost: $23,474

For out-of-state students:

- Tuition and Fees: $28,658

- Housing and Food: $12,120

- Books and Supplies: $1,260

- Transportation: $1,660

- Personal Expenses: $2,054

Total estimated cost: $45,752

Please note that these costs are approximate and may change slightly each year. Additionally, financial aid, scholarships, and other financial assistance could potentially lower the cost of attendance, so make sure to research and apply for opportunities that may be available to you.

If you'd like to get a more personalized estimate of your costs, use the University of Florida's Net Price Calculator. This tool takes into account your family's financial situation to provide a better idea of the cost you can expect after financial aid.

7 months ago

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