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University of Wisconsin vs Ohio State?

I'm really torn between two schools: the University of Wisconsin and Ohio State. Does anyone have any advice on which one to choose? What are the pros and cons of each? Thanks in advance!

7 months ago

Given that you're considering the University of Wisconsin (UW Madison) and Ohio State University (OSU), both are well-respected public research institutions. Here's a breakdown of the pros and cons of each to help you decide which one might be the best fit:

University of Wisconsin-Madison:


1. Highly regarded academic programs, especially in areas of Engineering, Business, and Social Sciences.

2. Strong emphasis on research, offering many opportunities to engage in research projects across disciplines.

3. A vibrant campus with a diverse social scene and plenty of extracurricular activities.

4. Access to the city of Madison, which is known for its art, culture, and progressive atmosphere.

5. Beautiful campus, located between two lakes.


1. Potential for harsh winters and chilly weather.

2. Large student body, which might make it harder to build a close-knit community within certain academic programs.

3. Wisconsin residents may be prioritized for certain resources and opportunities.

Ohio State University:


1. Diverse academic offerings, with OSU being particularly strong in Engineering, Business, and political science programs.

2. Big sports culture and school spirit with their popular football team.

3. The city of Columbus is large and offers various opportunities for internships and career growth.

4. OSU has robust research facilities and funding, providing ample opportunities for undergraduate research.

5. A large and active alumni network that can open doors for networking and job prospects.


1. A massive student body, which can lead to large class sizes in some cases.

2. As with UW Madison, Ohio State's size might make it difficult to form a close community, especially in more general courses.

3. Depending on your preferences, the strong emphasis on sports may be a positive or a negative.

Ultimately, the decision should come down to which factors matter most to you, such as academic strengths, location, campus atmosphere, extracurricular offerings, and potential network. Consider visiting each campus, engaging with current students, and researching both curricular and extracurricular opportunities relevant to your interests. Good luck with your decision!

7 months ago

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