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UNM Gallup Admissions Process?

Hey everyone! Can someone tell me about the University of New Mexico Gallup admissions process? I'm curious about application requirements, deadlines, and anything else I should know about applying. Thanks in advance for your help!

7 months ago

Hello! I'm happy to help you with information about the University of New Mexico Gallup (UNM Gallup) admissions process.

First, you should know that UNM Gallup is part of the UNM system and operates as a community college offering Associate's degrees and certificate programs. The admissions process is generally less competitive than four-year universities.

1. Application requirements: To apply to UNM Gallup, you need to complete the application form available online on their official website. As a community college, UNM Gallup has an open enrollment policy, which means they accept any applicant who has a high school diploma or GED. You aren't required to submit SAT or ACT scores. After submitting your application, you might need to take a placement test for English and Math courses if you do not have prior college credits or standardized test scores in those subjects.

2. Deadlines: UNM Gallup has rolling admissions, so you can apply at any point throughout the year. However, they have specific registration deadlines for each semester. You should check the UNM Gallup academic calendar on their website for the most up-to-date information on registration deadlines.

3. Other important information: If you're planning to apply for financial aid, make sure to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible. UNM Gallup offers several scholarships and financial aid programs, so be sure to explore these opportunities to help fund your education.

Additionally, you may need to attend an orientation session that introduces you to the campus and its resources. You can find more information about this on the UNM Gallup website or by contacting the admissions office if you have questions.

To sum up, the UNM Gallup admissions process is relatively straightforward, with an open admissions policy, rolling application dates, and minimal application requirements. Be sure to check their website for specific deadlines, required placement tests (if any), financial aid, and orientation information. Good luck with your application!

7 months ago

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