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Ivy Tech Tuition?

Does anybody know how much tuition at Ivy Tech Community College typically costs, both for in-state and out-of-state students? I'm trying to evaluate my options, so any info would be greatly appreciated!

7 months ago

Tuition costs at Ivy Tech Community College can vary depending on the number of credit hours you take and any additional fees. Nonetheless, here's a general idea of the tuition rates for the 2023-2024 academic year:

For in-state students, the tuition is approximately $170.07 per credit hour, not including additional fees such as technology, activity, and textbook costs. There is an in-state full-time flat rate of $2,455.76 per semester.

For out-of-state students, the tuition is roughly $332.71 per credit hour. There is an out-of-state full-time flat rate of $4,732.57 per semester.

It's important to note that these amounts are subject to change, and you should check the Ivy Tech Community College website for the most up-to-date information on tuition and fees. Additionally, don't forget to explore financial aid options, grants, and scholarships that could help cover your educational expenses.

7 months ago

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