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Average GPA for University of Oregon?

Hey guys, I'm a junior exploring potential colleges, and I've been eyeing the University of Oregon. Does anyone know their GPA requirements and what would be considered competitive? Thanks so much!

7 months ago

The University of Oregon does not have a specific minimum GPA requirement for applicants; however, they do provide some information on the academic profile of their admitted students. According to the U of O website, admitted students have an average high school GPA of 3.75 on a 4.0 scale, making it a moderately selective institution.

To be considered competitive, aim for a GPA within or above this range. However, remember that the admissions process takes many factors into account, including your course rigor, extracurricular activities, personal essays, and recommendation letters. It's ideal to have a strong GPA, but being well-rounded and showcasing your passion in other areas can also enhance your application.

If your GPA isn't around the average value, don't be discouraged. It's still worth applying, as the University of Oregon conducts a holistic review of your application, considering relevant experiences and achievements that could set you apart. Good luck with your college search!

7 months ago

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